And Then Came Me

By now I was in a hurry to begin my journey and meet my family…..And I have not seen the sun for sooooo long
Let me check my calendar ...Ahh! its January the 31st 2008....sounds good.
I have heard people say that early bird gets the worm…so why wait I thought,and started my my take off  check list.
I shift position again  this time for real and put my descent plans in action.'O my God',Look at my Mom and Dad they are fast asleep..

Hey! Wake up Mom and Dad I’m ready now.Ha! Ha! He is dreaming Biz deals....

 No response.Now,what is it ,that they used to call me'The Bump'.Let me show them what this Bump is upto.

I give my Mom a little shake..Nah! no reaction. Now I am really angry….perhaps one big kick would do…Yes, yoooo hooo..

There goes my water slide .
This works ,I get noticed…My Mom sits up in bed ,a little  alarmed and shakes  my Dad awake….Get up ,Lets go the baby is coming. But my old man still thinks it is another false alarm, and frantically tries to snuggle deeper into the warmth of the bed..Ha! ha!...see the pic below for what happened next.

Sorry Dad  this time it is for real, get up…I know it is 3 AM….I know it is a cold foggy January winter night….But lets move guys.Hurry.

Finally they are on their way to La Femme….I have been going there so I know that place.
 And they think it is going to be a long wait. But I  have special  plans with Mr Stork.
0533 hrs ….that is a little plus of 5.30 AM I am born.
Though the travel time was not too long…but I will admit that I was a wee bit tired and so was my Mom, so I thought  I would catch up my lost beauty sleep …after all looks matter….and I have to look my best on my big day.
First impressions matter.
But guess what?  My Dad saw us sleep, and they say sleep is contagious so he put his head down and slept as well. Not bad…Dad!
So it was only some hours later that Grandparents,   Mama, Bhua ,uncles aunts and cousins heard that I had arrived and was waiting to receive them at ‘The Cradle’.
Wow ! did I ever know that it would be a long long day….meeting ‘The Family’.
The door to my suite had a ‘Big Blue’ ribbon telling one and all ‘It’s a boy’...

But if you look outside my Bhua has set big blue 'smiley' balloons with long strings dancing merrily ....and sitting on the floor is Happy Teddy.